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The MAXI-V Coming June 22-24, 2001

It will soon be five years since we held the MAXI-IV Reunion. The MAXI-V Reunion is June 22-24, 2001. The planning committee has had three planning meetings, and the following plans have been finalized. Watch the U.S. mail for your letter, questionnaire, and Booster's Page opportunity.

Committees  |  Friday  |  Saturday  |  Sunday  |  Register

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Ms. Virginia Wall, Chairman, MAXI-V Reunion (9462 bytes)Miss Virginia Wall (pictured)
The Virginia Wall Scholarship Fund

MAXI-V Reunion Committee Officers:

  • Chairman - Miss Virginia Wall
  • Vice-Chairman - Charlotte (Miller) Alexander
  • Secretary - Bonnie (Boude) Mitchell
  • Treasurer - Earle S. Teegarden, Jr.


  • Booster Page - Chuck Haney
  • Brunch - Charlotte Alexander
  • Bus Tours - Larry Reeter and C.S. Jones
  • Class Directory - John Fox and Ted Blankenship
  • Class Pictures - Ron O'Dell
  • Correspondence - Virginia Wall and Ed Robertson
  • Decorations - Carole Meyers, Dorothy Spidle, Roberta Searcy, Pauline Wells, and Joann Bowe
  • Dinner - Joan Holcer and Peggy Switzer
  • Golf - Bob Fairchild
  • Music - Roberta Searcy and Ralph Summerville
  • Name Tags - Carole Meyers
  • Program - Carolyn Stephens, Bonnie Mitchell, Chuck Haney, and Virginia Wall
  • Reception - Bonnie Mitchell, Nancy Fries, Vella Bonderer, and C.S. Jones
  • Registration - Class Reunion Secretaries
  • Souvenirs & Door Prizes - Carolyn Stephens, Joyce Hayen, Carole Meyers, and Peggy Switzer
  • Web Site - Ed Robertson

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Friday, June 22, 2001


7:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Grand River Inn - Dress casual

Saturday, June 23, 2001

GOLF (Optional) 10:00 AM – Green Hills Golf Course
(Choice of two tours / choice of two times)

*Tours leave from
The Grand River Inn

Tours at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
  • Tour 1 : School Tour (Old & New)
  • Tour 2 : Green Hills Golf Course, YMCA, industrial parks, new residential areas, etc.


4:00-5:00 PM – Chillicothe Elks Lodge at Ryan Lane & Industrial Road (see map)
CLASS PICTURES 5:00-6:45 PM – Individual class pictures by Bailey Studio at the Elks Lodge
WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS 6:45-7:00 PM - Chillicothe Elks Lodge
BUFFET DINNER 7:00-8:00 PM - Chillicothe Elks Lodge
PROGRAM 8:00-9:00 PM - Chillicothe Elks Lodge
VISITING 9:00 PM-1:00 AM - Chillicothe Elks Lodge
MUSIC & DANCING 10:00 PM-1:00 AM - Chillicothe Elks Lodge
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Sunday, June 24, 2001

BRUNCH (Optional) 10:00 AM - Noon - Grand River Inn
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DRESS Casual
HOTELS & MOTELS Complete list
COST $50.00 per couple, $25.00 per single
(Includes Maxi-V Reunion Booklet)
Note: If you plan to attend the brunch on Sunday morning, there is an additional $8 per person charge
Make checks payable to the: 1950 Maxi Reunion Fund
RESERVATIONS Mail your reservation and questionnaire to your Class Reunion secretary. If your spouse is also a graduate of the 50's, but in a different year, each of you will receive a questionnaire. Send separate checks and questionnaires, each to his/her own class reunion secretary.

HELP! Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please call or write Miss Virginia Wall, 1707 Jackson Street, Chillicothe, MO 64601, or, you may call her at home, telephone 660-646-2349, or FAX 660-646-2928. You may also email us.
Please return your questionnaire as soon as possible, whether you plan to attend or not. The Maxi-V Reunion Committee needs your response in order to know how much food, how many reunion booklets, name tags, souvenirs, buses, etc., to order.

We are looking forward to a great MAXI-V REUNION and hope you will make your plans NOW to attend. Look for a further mailing in January, 2000, with final details.

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